

2022-05-04 来源:尚车旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Chimps will cooperate in certain ways, like gathering in war parties to protect their territory.(黑猩猩会以特定的方式合作,比如聚集在战场上保护自己的领地。)

2、Rival claims to Macedonian territory caused conflict in the Balkans.(对马其顿领土的争夺导致了巴尔干地区的冲突)

3、That's because sharks are territorial and tend to guard their territory.(这是因为鲨鱼有领地意识,往往会保卫它们的领地。)

4、Our representatives cover a very large territory.(我们的代理人负责的地区很广。)

5、we are entering into uncharted territory now, in terms of the amount of carbon dioxide.(在二氧化碳的数量方面,我们现在正在进入一个未知的领域。)

6、The territory of Nunavut consists of three regions.(努纳武特的领土由三个地区组成。)

7、He would like an assurance that other forces will not move into the territory that his forces vacate.(他想要其他部队不会进入他的部队撤出的那个领地的一个保证。)

8、Roman priorities lay in the organization, exploitation, and defense of their territory.(罗马人的首要任务是组织、开发和保卫他们的领土。)

9、Peter the Great expands territory beyond the Euro mountains along the Caspian Sea at the expense of the Turks.(彼得大帝越过欧洲山脉,沿着里海扩张领土,牺牲了土耳其人的利益。)

10、So they do that to keep other frogs from invading their territory?(所以它们这样做以防止其他青蛙入侵领地?)

11、This is a new territory for the European project.(这是欧洲一体化的新领域。)

12、The whole territory is now controlled by the army.(现在全境都在军队的控制之下。)

13、The World Cup is virgin territory for Ecuador.(世界杯对厄瓜多尔来说尚为一片全新的领域。)

14、The government denies that any of its territory is under rebel control.(该政府否认有任何领土被叛乱者控制。)

15、If we are serious about coexisting with other species, we have to concede them territory.(如果我们认真对待与其他物种共存的问题,我们必须让出它们的领地。)

16、The war was carried into enemy territory.(战争已推进到敌方境内。)

17、The snail continues its march to new territory, says Serrat.(塞拉特说,蜗牛继续向新的领域前进。)

18、That's OK between sisters but becomes dangerous territory when you're talking to the children of friends or acquaintances.(在姐妹之间这是可以的,但当你和朋友或熟人的孩子交谈时,这就变成了危险的领域。)

19、Mating blackbirds will defend their territory against intruders.(乌鸫交配时会保护自己的地盘,不允许外来者侵入。)

20、I don't want another guy moving in on my territory, you know?(我不想另一个家伙介入我的领域,你知道吗?)

21、The tiny island nation has set aside 500,000 square kilometers—80 percent of its maritime territory, for full protection.(这个小小的岛国已经留出了50万平方公里,占其海洋领土的80%,用于全面保护。)

22、That is not territory that you can build colonies; you've got powerful empires to deal with.(你不能在那个领域上建立殖民地;你要对付强大的帝国。)

23、The conflict made it nearly impossible to track the activities of enemy tribes outside Roman territory.(这场冲突使得在罗马领土之外追踪敌方部落的踪迹成为几乎不可能的事。)

24、If you go into a shark's territory and threaten it, it might try to bite you.(如果你进入鲨鱼的领地并威胁它,它可能会试图咬你。)

25、Carter's fourth album definitely moves into uncharted territory.(卡特的第四张专辑绝对进入了一个未被探索过的领域。)

26、Let's meet on neutral territory.(我们在中立地区会面吧。)

27、In 1990, 200,000 Soviet Jews resettled on Israeli territory.(1990年,20万名苏联犹太人在以色列重新定居。)

28、The agreement gives the territory limited self-rule.(这个协约规定该地区享有一定的自治权。)

29、This type of work is uncharted territory for us.(我们从未涉足过这类工作。)

30、For those of us coaching "self-organizing" teams: how do we navigate in this territory?(对于我们这些指导“自组织”团队的人来说:我们如何在这个领域中导航?)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


