

2022-05-04 来源:尚车旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Some examples of architectural styles are shown below 9.(构架风格的一些例子展示在下面9。)

2、An architectural description provides rationale.(一条构架描述提供理由。)

3、Figure 3 provides an architectural view.(图3显示了一个架构视图。)

4、An Enterprise Service Bus is an architectural pattern.(企业服务总线是一种体系结构模式。)

5、He constructed his house with an eye to architectural beauty.(他在建造房屋时着眼于建筑之美。)

6、These are the architectural components of RAM.(这些都是RAM的体系结构组件。)

7、The logs capture architectural decisions after the fact.(日志可以在事后捕获架构决策。)

8、The following points evaluate this architectural layer.(以下几点用于评估这个架构层。)

9、a structural invention had to be made before the physical limitations of stone could be overcome and new architectural forms could be created.(在克服石头的物理限制和创造新的建筑形式之前,必须先完成结构上的创造。)

10、According to US-based magazine architectural Digest, the city may disappear in the next 100 years.(据美国《建筑文摘》报道,这座城市可能会在未来100年内消失。)

11、These modern architectural masterpieces are so many that this city almost feels like an open air museum.(这座城市的现代建筑杰作如此之多,感觉几乎就像一座露天博物馆。)

12、architectural morphology is the study of how shifting cultural and environmental conditions produce changes in an architectural form.(建筑形态学是研究不断变化的文化和环境条件如何使建筑形式发生变化的学科。)

13、But it was not until the beginning of the twentieth century that architectural acoustics became a scientific field.(但直到二十世纪初,建筑声学才正式成为一个科学领域。)

14、In many cases, the architectural style of the building further reinforces that notion.(在许多情况下,建筑的风格进一步强化了这一概念。)

15、The left pane shows the architectural discovery.(左边的面板显示了那些架构挖掘。)

16、In my view, new architectural styles can exist perfectly well alongside an older style.(在我看来,新的建筑风格可以与旧风格完美地共存。)

17、His interest in science and technology was leavened by a genuine passion for architectural history and theory.(对建筑历史学和其理论的热爱使他对科学和技术的兴趣更加浓厚了。)

18、Sometimes his designs received honourable mentions, and were reproduced in architectural journals.(有时,他的设计获得荣誉奖,并在建筑杂志中刊登。)

19、The Eisenhower Executive Office Building (EEOB) commands a unique position in both the national history and the architectural heritage of the United States.(艾森豪威尔行政大楼(EEOB)在美国历史和建筑遗产中都占有独特的地位。)

20、The client who pays for the building and defines its function is an important member of the architectural team.(为建筑付款并定义其功能的客户是建筑团队的重要成员。)

21、Many risks relate to architectural concerns.(很多风险与构架关系有关。)

22、architectural model describing the system.(描述系统的架构模型。)

23、The world's architectural structures have also been devised in relation to the objective limitations of materials.(世界上的建筑结构也根据材料的客观限制进行了设计。)

24、Many visitors were amazed by the complex architectural space and abundant building types.(许多游客被这里复杂的建筑空间和丰富的建筑类型惊讶到了。)

25、The project team should assess the architectural soundness of applications that turned out to be troublesome in a production environment.(项目团队应该评估在生产环境中出现问题的应用程序的体系结构的可靠性。)

26、SOA is architectural style.(SOA是一种架构风格。)

27、Design and lay the architectural foundation.(设计并布局架构基础。)

28、The ceramics fall into three broad types—earthenware, stoneware, and porcelain—for vessels, architectural items such as roof tiles, and modeled objects and figures.(陶艺被分为三大类——陶器、炻器和瓷器——包括器皿,屋顶瓦片等建筑制品,以及模型物体和造像。)

29、What are the architectural needs of the customer?(客户的体系结构要求是什么?)

30、The designer started on some new architectural plans.(设计师开始几项新的设计计划。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


