

2022-05-03 来源:尚车旅游网

造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”


1、Though a target of public ire, he continues to enjoy strong support from clients, investors and the board.(虽然公众对他感到愤怒,但他仍然获得客户、投资者和董事会的大力支持。)

2、Proposals to end segregated education attract special ire, with arguments redolent of past busing controversies in America.(结束隔离教育的提议一出就招来人们格外强烈的不满。他们互相争论,令人想起当年美国对校车接送学生的争论。)

3、Conversely, removing confusing or unhelpful features may draw the ire of the programmers who first developed them.(反过来,去掉一个令人迷惑的活着没有帮助的功能特征可能会引致最初开发这个功能的开发者不满。)

4、The environmental pressure also raised the prospect of costly delays, to the ire of the customers who have pre-purchased much of the anticipated gas.(环保的压力以及预购了大量天然气的客户的愤怒加深了的拖延前景,而这的代价十分高昂。)

5、Aside from supporting synthetic pesticides and fertilizers, they've focused their ire lately on critics of genetically modified organisms.(除了支持化学合成农药和化肥之外,他们最近在评论基因改良有机作物时表示了不满。)

6、That of course raised my ire.(这当然也引起我的忿怒。)

7、We talk about the surface emotions, the ire or indifference, and blame the other.(我们讨论表面的情绪、忿怒或是漠不关心,并且责怪另一方。)

8、The terms of the European element of the bail-out arouse particular ire.(有关欧洲元素的救市条款引起了人们特别的愤怒。)

9、But the newspaper's greatest ire has been reserved for a law rushed out to regulate terrestrial digital pay-television (TDT).(然而,最令该报恼怒的是仓促出台的陆地数字付费电视(TDT)规范法案。)

10、Facebook is not the only Internet giant to provoke the ire of data watchdogs.(Facebook并不是唯一引起数据监管者不满的网络巨头。)

11、Other countries with hitherto positive images could also find themselves on the uncomfortable receiving end of global ire.(迄今表现口碑良好的另一些国家,也可能发现自己遭全球忿恨——属于令人不悦的国家。)

12、The next day, the parents directed their ire at Mr. Jiang.(接下来的几天,这些家长将怒火转向了蒋先生。)

13、"People who have known me for years will tell you that few things had ever piqued my ire as much as that smell," Schultz writes.(舒尔茨写道:“跟我相识多年的人知道,很少有什么能像这种气味那样让我怒火中烧。”)

14、With bristling ire, UNESCO is seeking a meeting with the Georgians to discuss the halting and reversal of the reconstruction.(联合国教科文组织对此非常生气,它准备和格鲁吉亚召开一次会议讨论重建工程的停止和复原事宜。)

15、Spokespeople for the show have expressed ire that critics have broken unofficial rules by reviewing the show before it has technically opened;(演出的发言人愤怒的表示,评论家们在表演正式开始前就发表评论是违反默契原则的。)

16、Mr Clegg's righteous ire should now be an asset.(克雷格先生的义愤现在应该成为了一项资产。)

17、The crash sparked a wave of public ire against financiers, and against rich people in general.(这次危机激起了一波公众普遍反对金融家,富人的愤怒浪潮。)

18、And Mr Clegg aired some promising policies, not just an outsider's ire.(克莱格播出了他的一些有希望执行的政策,并不是一个局外人的愤怒表现。)

19、Extremist websites publish the names and contact details of journalists, Roma activists and artists who arouse their ire.(极端主义分子的网站公布了激怒他们的记者、罗姆激进主义者和艺术家的名字和详细联系信息。)

20、Their ire was directed mainly at the government.(他们的愤怒主要针对该政府。)

21、The other aspect of the budget likely to draw the IMF’s ire is a planned 5.6% increase in spending, to HRN267bn.(另外一个可能令IMF不高兴的地方是,预算支出计划增加5.6%至2670亿格里夫纳。)

22、Mr Rogan’s treatment of the Arab-Israeli conflict is likely to prompt some ire from Israel’s more uncritical backers.(罗根看待阿-以冲突的观点可能会激怒更多拥护以色列的温和批评者。)

23、Bankers at closely held firms have been spared the ire faced by employees of Banks that have received public support.(少数人持股公司的银行家们得以幸免于公开上市银行的雇员们所遭遇的公众怒火。)

24、Efforts to rouse international ire have had mixed success.(试图激起国际公愤的努力喜忧参半。)

25、Mr Johnson’s initial ire was directed at the threat these buses posed to people who ride bikes—like himself.(约翰逊先生痛恨这些公共汽车的初始原因,是它们可能对像他一样骑自行车的人造成危险。)

26、The last category is the one which has drawn the most ire from many standards experts.(最后一类问题最让众多标准专家感到恼怒。)

27、yet as the casualties mount and next year's election approaches, mr erdogan is unlikely to risk nationalist ire by making more concessions.(然而由于伤亡人数的上升和明年即将开始的选举,erdogan先生是不可能对民族主义的愤怒作出更多的让步。)

28、But this, unfortunately, stirred the ire of the law's opponents.(不幸的是,这激怒了法案反对者们。)

29、Her ire slid between us like the spanner from Father's workshop, straining our hinge.(她的怒气像父亲作坊里的扳手一样夹在我们中间,绷紧了我们的铰链。)






五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。


