造句指懂得并使用字词,按照一定的句法规则造出字词通顺、意思完整、符合逻辑的句子。依据现代语文学科特征,可延伸为写段、作文的基础,是学生写好作文的基本功。造句来源清俞樾 《春在堂随笔》卷八:“其用意,其造句,均以纤巧胜。” 夏丏尊叶圣陶《文心雕龙》 四:“造句也共同斟酌,由 乐华 用铅笔记录下来。”
1、In 1979, Liquor barn thrived as a discount merchandiser.(1979年,作为折扣酒品专卖店的立可仓生意兴隆。)
2、In a barn to be converted into a lab, he began foraging for his next big hit.(在一个即将被改造成实验室的谷仓里,他开始寻找下一个大热门。)
3、He strode purposefully toward the barn.(他有意朝谷仓大步走去。)
4、The barn was full of bales of straw.(这个谷仓堆满了成捆的麦杆。)
5、Nearing the central part, her echoes were intruded on by other sounds; and seeing the barn, she guessed these to be the utterances of the preacher.(在靠近中心的地方,她的回声受到了其他声音的干扰;看到谷仓,她猜想这是牧师的声音。)
6、The great majority of barn owls are reared in captivity.(绝大多数仓鸮是圈养的。)
7、the lantern stood by the open door of a barn.(那只灯笼挂在谷仓敞开的门旁边。)
8、If you share our anxieties about the suffering caused by the caging of battery hens, we would like you to put barn or Free Range eggs on your shopping list too.(如果你和我们一样对笼中饲养的母鸡所遭受的痛苦感到焦虑,我们希望你也把谷仓或放养的鸡蛋列入你的购物清单中。)
9、This used to be an agricultural area and we already know that where the main lecture hall now stands, there once were farm house and barn that were erected in the late 1700s.(这曾经是一个农业区,我们已经知道,现在主演讲厅所在的地方曾经有建于18世纪晚期的农舍和谷仓。)
10、They usually keep the hay in the barn.(他们通常将干草存放在谷仓中。)
11、One grandson went back to the barn to search again.(其中一个孙子又回到谷仓去找。)
12、He got behind the wild geese and tried to shoo them toward the barn.(他跟在大雁的身后,想把它们赶回谷仓去。)
13、Therefore, the Brindon Bolt barn will undoubtedly show a sharp decline in sales volume and revenue for this year as compared to last year.(因此,与去年相比,BrindonBoltbarn在今年的销量和收入无疑会出现大幅下降。)
14、The rickety barn needs repairing.(摇摇欲坠的谷仓需要修理。)
15、This Dutch barn near Banbury was set alight last September.(班伯里附近的这个荷兰谷仓去年9月被点燃。)
16、A barn adjoins the farmhouse.(一座谷仓紧靠着农舍。)
17、He darted behind a cask, within the barn, and stooped down.(他冲到谷仓里的一只木桶后面,弯下腰来。)
18、There is heavy note of hypocrisy in this, a case of closing the barn door after the horses have escaped—with the educated themselves riding on them.(这种说法带有浓重的虚伪色彩,就像马跑了再关上马厩的门一样——而骑在马背上的是受过良好教育的人。)
19、barn eggs, sometimes called Percher, are laid by hens that have the freedom to roam a henhouse.(谷仓蛋,有时被称为Percher,是由在可以在鸡舍里自由漫步的母鸡下的蛋。)
20、The youth entered the barn, the King following eagerly upon his heels.(年轻人进了谷仓,国王急切地跟在后面。)
21、He reached the massive door of the barn and pushed. It yielded.(他够着了畜棚厚重的大门推了推。门开了。)
22、The little boy replied: "I sat there without making a noise, and the barn was so silent."(小男孩回答说:“我坐在那里,一点声音也没有,谷仓也很安静。”)
23、One interesting thing I read about Franzten is that when she first moved back to Iowa after living abroad, she often visited this place in her town called the Sales barn.(我读到的关于Franzten的一件有趣的事情是,当她在国外生活后第一次搬回爱荷华州的时候,她经常去她家乡的一个叫做Salesbarn的地方。)
24、The next morning, I started trapping around the barn.(第二天早上,我开始在谷仓周围设陷阱。)
25、If an eggbox doesn't specifically say "barn", "Percher" or "Free Range", the eggs that it contains are almost certainly battery produced.(如果一个鸡蛋盒没有特别标明“谷仓”、“高处栖息”或“散养”,那么里面的鸡蛋几乎肯定是批量生产的。)
26、There are mice in the barn, but none of them is Mr. Squeaky.(粮仓里有老鼠,但是它们都不是“吱吱叫先生”。)
27、He and Walker patched the barn roof.(他和沃克修补了那个谷仓的顶。)
28、The barn door opened and a couple of little girls came in.(谷仓的门开了,两个小女孩走了进来。)
29、Not a house cat, not a mouser in a barn in some green forest town, but a lioness or a jungle panther.(不是家猫,不是某个绿色森林小镇谷仓里的捕鼠动物,而是母狮或丛林豹。)
30、They live in a great barn of a house.(他们住在一所简陋的大房子里。)
五、用关联词造句,必须注意词语的合理搭配。比如用“尽管……可是……”造句:“尽管今天天气很糟,但是大家都没有迟到。” 这就需要在平时学习中,把关联词的几种类型分清并记住。