

2024-03-09 来源:尚车旅游网

  Warning for Misconduct

  员工姓名 部门 警告日期

  Name of Employee: ____________ Department: ____________ Date Warned: ____________ 警告等级 □ A类过失 □ B类过失 □ C类大过失 Level of Warning: Warning Serious Final

  ( )降职 ( )劝退 ( )开除

  Demote Advice Dismissing

  因下列原因给予警告(请说明)Warning issued for following reason/s (Please give details):

  如你重犯同样错误,将采取措施终止你的工作。If you persist in committing the same offence/s in the future, if may entail action being taken to terminate your service.

  因此,建议你尽一切努力改进工作和行为You are, therefore, advised to make every effort to improve your work and conduct.

  部门经理 人力资源部经理 总经理

  Dept. Head. HR Manager General Manager

  我已认识到此警告内容I have read and I am aware of the contents of this warning

  员工签字 日期

  Employee’s Signature: _______________ Date: _______________

  备注:第一联:行政人力资源部 第二联:本部门 第三联:员工
