We've got to e up with a way to solve this problem. No one is getting all their work done during the work day. We need to do some brainstorming to e up with a time-management solution for our office. Well, what do you suggest? It's not that we are all wasting a lot of time. Fact is, we're understaffed. People just have too much to do. So you think we should hire some new people? That is one possible solution. What else could be the problem? Maybe we do have some problems with time-management. If people were always on time to work, they might get more done in the morning before lunch. That's true. Also, maybe we could shorten the lunch break from one hour to 45 minutes. That would add a little time to everyone's day. 15 minutes would be good, but I wonder if it would make a big impact on the employees' output. I still think it's a problem with too much workload. We ended up right where we started. Maybe it is time to look for some temp workers to help with a few projects. That would lighten everyone's load.
A: 我们得想出一个解决这个问题的方法。现在没有一个人能在工作日期内完成所有的工作。我们需要集思广益,想出我们部门时间管理解决方案。