

2021-10-18 来源:尚车旅游网


翻译考点 具体结构 考察动名词做主语,is做谓语动词 考察mean做谓语动词 题目汇编 1. 戴口罩是阻止病毒传播的有效方式。(keep) Putting on a face mask is an effective way to keep virus from spreading. 22.孩子的每一点进步对父母来说都很重要。(mean) Every little progress of a child means a great deal to the parents. 3.最近十年形形色色的社交软件接二连三地开发了出题目出处 宝山区 崇明区 考察see做谓语动词 来。(see) The past decade has seen various kinds of social software developed one after another 4.这位诗人的作品以天马行空而著称。(famous) The poet’s works are famous for their wild imagination / free / unrestricted / unlimited style. 虹口区 考察be famous for 和be/get 5.越来越多的旅游公司开始涉足自助游项目的开发。(involve) involved in 简单句 考察attach to 1. 应该高度重视对这种常见病的预防。(importance) Great importance should be attached to the prevention of this common disease. 2. 一闻到这种蛋糕的味道我就总会想起童年。 (associate) I always associate the smell of the cake with my childhood. 3. 在抗击病毒的斗争中,中国会给予受到感染的国家尽More and more travel agencies are getting involved in the development of self-guided / DIY / independent tours. 黄浦区 importance 短语的被动用法 考察嘉定区 associate....with...短语 考察offer....to...金山区 短语,infected 可能多的帮助。(offer) by/with做后置定语 考察take 10.地方政府应当采取什么样的措施来维持物价的稳定呢?(measure) 1 / 13

闵行区 China will offer as much assistance as possible to the countries infected (with the disease) in the battle against virus. 浦东新区 measures to do短语的特殊疑

问句 What measures should the local government take to keep the prices of the goods stable/steady? to maintain/keep the stable price of the goods 11.研学的兴起让公共文化服务成为新亮点。 (rise) The rise of research and learning has made public cultural services a new highlight. 察be 12.没有良好的信用记录,你将无法从银行获取贷款。(qualify) Without a good credit record, you won’t be qualified to get / for a loan from the bank. 13. 弘扬中华民族的美德,并不意味着我们不需要与时俱进。 (mean) 松江区 青浦区 考察rise做名词词性 考qualified for/to do 13句考察mean做谓语动词 To promote/Promoting the virtues of the Chinese nation doesn’t mean we needn’t advance/keep pace with the times. 杨浦区 14句考察concern做名词 14. 出于安全考虑,任何账户的密码都应该包括字母、数字和符号。(concern) Due to/Out of safety concern/ As far as safety is concerned, the password for any account should include letters, numbers and symbols. 15生活中我们要学会倾听,即便是与自己相悖的意见。(opposing) We should learn to listen to others in our daily life, even to those opposing opinions/ points of view. 考察opposing做后置定语 长宁区 various kinds of 形形色色 one after another 四字格/俗语 接二连三 4. 最近十年形形色色的社交软件接二连三地开发了出来。(see) 1. The past decade has seen various kinds of social software been developed one after another 5. 即将拍摄一部影片,致敬这些无私奉献的义务工作者。make selfless contributions 无私奉献 (honor) 2. A film will soon be made/shot in honor of these medical workers who have made selfless contributions. 浦东新区 虹口区 2 / 13

learn everything without going out 足不出户,学遍天下 telling others 3.互联网教育资源丰富,爱学习的人可以获得各种免费课程,足不出户、学遍天下。(So ...) 6. So abundant are the educational resources on the Internet that those loving learning/study can have free access to various courses and learn everything without going out. 浦东新区 (affair) what to do/ what 7. 我真不明白为啥他总是对别人的家事指手画脚。4.I really don’t understand why he always tells /he is always they should do telling others what to do/ what they should do about their about sth. 指手画脚 extends our life family affairs. 8. 参加艺术活动不仅可以缓解压力、培养创造力,还能长宁区 spans/enables us 延年益寿。(not only) 5.Engaging in art activities not only helps relieve stress and to live longer 延年益寿 cultivate creativity, but also extends our life spans / enables us to live longer. 9. 在信息泛滥的互联网时代,我们要学会独立思考和自follow 主判断, 而不是盲目从众。(rather than) 6.In the Internet age/era of unlimited information/ flooded wthe crowd blindly 盲目从众 ith information, we should learn to think independently and make our own judgments rather than blindly follow the crowd. 7. 事实证明当我们的国家在面临困难时,每个中国人, 不管在国内还是国外,都愿意为自己的祖国做出贡献。It turns out that 事实证明 (It) 7. It turns out that when our country is facing difficulties, every Chinese, whether at home or abroad, is willing to make contributions to their motherland. put it into practice. 付诸实践 8.Never has anyone achieved success without making 8.从来没有人不努力就能成功,所以你必须制定一个 切实可行的计划,并付诸于行动。(Never) 徐汇区 徐汇区 奉贤区 崇明县 3 / 13

efforts, so you must make a feasible plan and put it into practice. 9.被感染这种新型病毒的人数在不断增加,很多医务工作are ready to/are well prepared to fight against the virus work 严阵以待 last long and never go out of style 经久耐用,永不过时 / start 者主动放弃休假,严阵以待。(infect) 9.he number of people infected with the new virus is increasing continuously, so / and many medical workers voluntarily give up their vacations and are ready to/are well prepared to fight against the virus / start work. 10. 尽管这些产品价格昂贵,但它们经久耐用,永不过时。 (as) 10. Expensive as these products are, they last long and never go out of style. 11.每周六早晨,我们都雷打不动地去郊区远足,以增强体质,磨练意志。(a rule) make it a rule to雷打不动 11.We make it a rule to go hiking / go on an excursion in the suburbs every Saturday morning in order to build ourselves up physically / improve our health / promote our health and exercise willpower (build ourselves up physically and mentally). 12.全国上下团结一心,科学家们夜以继日地研制药品,day and night / (a)round the clock 夜以继日 相信战胜灾难的日子近在咫尺。(before) 12.People all over the country are united and scientists are developing medicine(s) day and night / (a)round the clock, and / so it is believed that it won’t be long before the disaster is overcome. Time and tide wait for no one时不我待 13.时不我待,时间和历史都属于奋进者。(as) 13.Time and tide wait for no one as time and history are both on the side of hard workers. 宝山区 松江区 松江区 金山区 崇明县 4 / 13

14.很多医生表情严肃说着难懂的术语,但张医生是个例外,他做事脚踏实地,话语浅显幽默,赢得了公众的认down-to-earth 脚踏实地 可。(whose) 14.Many doctors are serious and talk in complex medical terms, but doctor Zhang is an exception, whose down-to-earth/realistic/practical behaviors and (whose) plain and funny speech have won the recognition of the public. advance/keep pace with the times 与时俱进 15.弘扬中华民族的美德,并不意味着我们不需要与时俱进。 (mean) 14.To promote/Promoting the virtues of the Chinese nation doesn’t mean we needn’t advance/keep pace with the times. 15.不出所料,这个养身讲座吸引了社区众多老年居民。 As was expected (expect) 15.As was expected, the lecture on health care attracted many elderly community residents. If you look around in the distance 极目远眺 involuntary/ deep/ genuine/great/ sincere admiration. 17. 在全球教育市场上,美国和英国仍占主导地位,但中catch up at a fast pace 迎头赶上 wild imagination / free / unrestricted / unlimited style 天马行空 advance/keep pace with the times 19..弘扬中华民族的美德,并不意味着我们不需要与时俱进。 (mean) 19.To promote/Promoting the virtues of the Chinese nation 5 / 13

杨浦区 杨浦区 青浦区 16.极目远眺,山外有山,令人赞叹不已。(view) 16.If you look around in the distance, you will enjoy the fantastic view of mountains beyond mountains, with 闵行区 国正在快速迎头赶上。(the lead) 黄浦区 17.In the global education market, the US and the UK still take the lead, but China is catching up at a fast pace. 18.这位诗人的作品以天马行空而著称。(famous) 18The poet’s works are famous for their wild imagination / free / unrestricted / unlimited style.. 黄浦区 杨浦区

与时俱进 doesn’t mean we needn’t advance/keep pace with the times. 1.即将拍摄一部影片,致敬这些无私奉献的义务工作者。(honor) who引导定语从句 A film will soon be made/shot in honor of these medical workers who have made selfless contributions.或 A film will soon be made/shot to honor these medical workers who have made selfless contributions. 2.互联网教育资源丰富,爱学习的人可以获得各种免费课程,足不出户、学遍天下。(So ...) So full of educational resources is the Internet that those loving learning/study can have free access to various courses,which enables them to learn everything without going out.或So abundant are the educational resources on the Internet that those loving learning/study can have free access to various courses and learn everything without going 金山区 Which非限制性定语从句 浦东区 定语从句 out. 或So rich are the educational resources on the Internet that those loving learning/study can have free access to various courses and learn everything without going out. 3.在欧洲许多作为理想社交场所的咖啡店不得不关门谢which引导定语从句 客来应对这场公共卫生危机。(serve) In Europe many coffee houses which serve as ideal places for social interaction have to close their stores to respond to the public health crisis. 4.既然只能宅在家里,何不做点自己喜欢做但平时又没时定语从句的省略 Why not do something you love but don't have time to do since you can only stay at home? who引导定语从句

奉贤区 间做的事情呢?(Why not) 奉贤区 5.用过的人大都说这种钢笔书写流利。(write) Most of the people who have used it say that the pen is 6 / 13


fluent in writing. 6.在室内养一些心仪的绿植既有助于人们放松心情,缓解which引导定语从句 压力,又能净化空气,可谓居家必备。(which) Keeping some favorite green plants indoors can help people relax their mood, relieve pressure and purify the air, which is a must at home . 7.我们所需要的是这样的科学家,他们能用通俗的语言解释复杂的问题,并且敢于就重要的事情提出 who引导定语从句 自己的见解。(What) What we need are scientists who are able to explain complicated problems in plain words and have the courage to voice their opinions on important matters. 8.我们看似正常的行为也许会冒犯其他地方的人。(seem) that引导定语从句 A behavior that seems normal to us is likely to / may offend 嘉定区 people elsewhere. 或What seems to be a normal behavior may offend people elsewhere. 在线课程是否能满足不同层次学生的需求,尚不明朗。(it) 主语从句 it做形式主语 It is not clearly/remains unknown/ remains to be seen whether on-line classes can meet the demands of students of different levels. 我们所需要的是这样的科学家,他们能用通俗的语言解名词性从句 What引导 主语从句 释复杂的问题,并且敢于就重要的事情提出自己的见解。(What) What we need are scientists who are able to explain complicated problems in plain words and have the courage to voice their opinions on important matters. What引导主语从句 我们看似正常的行为也许会冒犯其他地方的人。(seem) A behavior that seems normal to us is likely to / may offend 7 / 13

虹口区 黄埔区 闵行区 黄埔区 嘉定区

people elsewhere. /What seems to be a normal behavior may offend people elsewhere. 在某种程度上,这种新措施有可能缓解这个城市的交通that引导同位语从句 堵塞。(possibility) To some degree, there’s a possibility that this new measure will ease the traffic jam in this city. 让许多孩子感到烦恼的是家长们似乎没有充分意识到保护隐私的重要性,总喜欢在社交媒体上发布孩子的照片。that引导表语从句/what引导主语从句 (bother) What bothers many children is that their parents seem not to be fully aware of the importance of protecting privacy and always like to post their children’s photos on social media. 该论文声称,独处能够让我们更好地进行自我反思。(It...) It is claimed in the essay/paper that spending time alone can help us better reflect on ourselves. 事实证明当我们的国家在面临困难时,每个中国人, 不管that引导主语从句it作形式主语 在国内还是国外,都愿意为自己的祖国做出贡献。(It) It turns out that when our country is facing difficulties, every Chinese, whether at home or abroad, is willing to make contributions to their motherland. 我真不明白为啥他总是对别人的家事指手画脚。(affair) why引导宾语从句 I really don’t understand why he always tells /he is always telling others what to do/ what they should do about their family affairs. 73.互联网教育资源丰富,爱学习的人可以获得各种免费课程,足不出户、学遍天下。(So ...) 状语从句 结果状从 73.So full of educational resources is the Internet that those loving learning/study can have free access to various courses,which enables them to learn everything without 8 / 13

崇明区 金山区 that主语从句 it作形式主语 浦东新区 奉贤区 长宁区 浦东新区

going out. 74.在英国除了急症,没有预约有病也看不了。(unless) 74.In the UK, you cannot go to hospital without an appointment when you are sick unless it is an emergency case. 条件状从&时间状从 念日鲜花到了。(Scarcely) 75.Scarcely had the couple started to eat when the doorbell rang, and it turned out to be the delivery of the flowers from their daughter for their anniversary. 72. 开车时遮挡车牌号是违法的。(It) 72. It is illegal to cover your license plate (number) when (you are) driving. 时间状从 73. 在做出抉择之前,务必充分权衡这一决定将产生的后果。(weigh) 73. Be sure to weigh the consequences of your decision before you make it. 74.极目远眺,山外有山,令人赞叹不已。(view) 条件状从 74. If you look around in the distance, you will enjoy the fantastic view of mountains beyond mountains, with involuntary/ deep/ genuine/great/ sincere admiration. 73.既然只能宅在家里,何不做点自己喜欢做但平时又没时间做的事情呢?(Why not) 原因状从 73. Why not do something you love but don't have time to do since you can only stay at home? 9 / 13

75.这对夫妇刚要吃饭,门铃响了,是女儿送给他们的纪长宁区 徐汇区 闵行区 奉贤区

72. 她感觉太无聊了,于是把这本杂志从头到尾看了一结果状从 遍。(So...) 72. So bored did she feel / was she that she read the magazine from cover to cover. 74. 尽管最后期限延长了一个月,研究团队仍需调整策略,以便如期完成项目。(so that) 目的状从 74. Though the deadline has been extended for a month, the research team still need (s) to adjust their strategy so that they can/may complete the project as scheduled/planned. 75. 生命重于泰山,疫情就是命令,防控就是责任。(issue) 75. Life is of great importance. When a terrible disease/an epidemic breaks out, a command is issued. It is our responsibility to prevent and control it/the disease. 74. 他现在退休已经七、八年了,可他总是闲不住,还在积极参加社会公益活动。(It) 时间状从 74 It has been seven or eight years since his retirment , but he is always busy and actively participating in social welfare activities. 从来没有人不努力就能成功,所以你必须制定一个切实可Never放句首否定词倒装 行的计划,并付诸于行动。(Never) Never has anyone achieved success without making efforts, so you must make a feasible plan and put it into practice. 互联网教育资源丰富,爱学习的人可以获得各种免费课倒装句 程,足不出户、学遍天下。(So ...) So放句首倒装 So full of educational resources is the Internet that those loving learning/study can have free access to various courses,which enables them to learn everything without going out. 浦东新区 崇明县 虹口区 杨浦区 松江区 时间状从 宝山区 10 / 13

这对夫妇刚要吃饭,门铃响了,是女儿送给他们的纪念Scarcely放句首否定词倒装 日鲜花到了。(Scarcely) Scarcely had the couple started to eat when the doorbell rang, and it turned out to be the delivery of the flowers from their daughter for their anniversary. 我们从来没有像现在这么渴望去学校上课!(Never) Never before have we been so eager /keen to go to school as we are now. 尽管这些产品价格昂贵,但它们经久耐用,永不过时。 As部分倒装 (as) Expensive as these products are, they last long and never go out of style. 1.他现在退休已经七、八年了,可他总是闲不住,还在积极参加社会公益活动。(It) Since句式 It句型/强调句型 It is illegal… It turned out… It is claimed… It has been seven or eight years since his retirement, but he is always busy and actively participating in social welfare activities. 2.该论文声称,独处能够让我们更好地进行自我反思。(It ...) It is claimed in the essay/paper that spending time alone can help us better reflect on ourselves. 3.这对夫妇刚要吃饭,门铃响了,是女儿送给他们的纪念日鲜花到了。(Scarcely) Scarcely had the couple started to eat when the doorbell rang, and it turned out to be the delivery of the flowers from their daughter for their anniversary. 4.开车时遮挡车牌号是违法的。(It) It is illegal to cover your license plate (number) when (you are) driving. 5.在线课程是否能满足不同层次学生的需求,尚不明朗。It’s not clear… (it) It’s not clear/It remains unknown/It remains to be seen 11 / 13

长宁区 Never放句首否定词倒装 奉贤区 金山区 虹口区 浦东新区 长宁区 徐汇区 闵行区

whether online classes can meet the demands of students of different levels. 6.事实证明当我们的国家在面临困难时,每个中国人, 不管在国内还是国外,都愿意为自己的祖国做 It turns out 出贡献。(It) It turns out that when our country is facing difficulties, every Chinese, whether at home or abroad, is willing to make contributions to their motherland. 7.我们不能想当然地认为我们永远不会面对威胁生命的Take granted it for 紧急情况。(grant) We can’t take it for granted that we will never face life-threatening emergencies. 8.每周六早晨,我们都雷打不动地去郊区远足,以增强体质,磨练意志。(a rule) We make it a rule to go hiking / go on an excursion in the Make it a rule suburbs every Saturday morning in order to build ourselves up physically / improve our health / promote our health and exercise willpower (build ourselves up physically and mentally). 9.全国上下团结一心,科学家们夜以继日地研制药品,相信战胜灾难的日子近在咫尺。(before) it won’t be long People all over the country are united and scientists are before… developing medicine(s) day and night / (a)round the clock, and / so it is believed that it won’t be long before the disaster is overcome. It’s time for sb 10.该是时候民众在日常生活中通过具体行动表达对自然to do It to… is our responsibility 的敬畏与呵护了,比如节约能源、保护野生动物等。(It) It’s time for people to express their respect and care for nature through specific actions in their daily life, such as saving/conserving energy and protecting wild animals. 青浦区 松江区 松江区 金山区 奉贤区 that… 12 / 13

11.生命重于泰山,疫情就是命令,防控就是责任。(issue) Life is of great importance. When a terrible disease/an epidemic breaks out, a command is issued. It is our responsibility to prevent and control it/the disease. 宝山区 13 / 13
