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又到了一年一度的运动会了,我们信心满满的等待着! It's the annual sports meeting again, we are waiting with full confidence!
On Thursday morning, we walked happily through the neat square team, sat on the stairs and watched one wonderful program after another.
要开始比赛了,都说老师要起到带头的作用,所以第一次比赛,是各年级的体育老师比,张老师赢了,我们又欢喜又难过,因为她是代表初一比的,而我们却不知道代表我们初二的是谁? It's time to start the competition. It's said that the teacher should take the lead. So the first competition is the PE teacher comparison of all grades. When Miss Zhang wins, we are happy and sad, because she represents the first competition of junior high school, but we don't know who represents the second competition of junior high school? 比赛开始了,校园里回荡着此起彼伏的呐喊:“加油”的声音,这让比赛更加激烈了,再一次的结束。都代表我们班的荣誉
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At the beginning of the competition, the campus echoed the sound of \"come on\intense and ended again. All represent the promotion of honor in our class. No matter it's a boy, a girl or a relay, there's another \"first again\" behind the cheering sound in our class, which makes Mr. Lu very happy. Although he can't see the teacher's face {the sun is too poisonous, and the teacher can't see his bag at all} it's the voice of the teacher's smile that reverberates around us all the time. 经过了2天的拼搏,比赛结束了,到了发奖的时候了,我们班班长胡夫乃直接上去没有下来,去时两手空空,来时两手满满,陆老师高兴,给我们买的雪糕,让我们边吃边照相,陆老师还分了男生和女生,搞笑的是,陆老师和男生照相的时候,老师 After two days of hard work, the competition is over. It's time to give the prize. Hu fnai, the monitor of our class, didn't come down. When he went there, he was empty handed. When he came here, he was full of hands. Lu was happy. He bought us ice cream and asked us to take photos while
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eating. Lu also divided male students and female students. It's funny that when Lu took photos with male students, he took photos with male students
\"I am a flower,\" said the boy, \"we are cow dung.\".
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