I've been feeling really stressed out lately. It's like I'm stuck in this constant loop of worry and anxiety. It seems like no matter what I do, there's always something else to stress about. I feel overwhelmed and exhausted all the time.
One thing that really gets to me is my job. I have so much on my plate, and it feels like I can never catch a break. My boss is always piling on more work, and it's starting to take a toll on me. I feel like I'm drowning in deadlines and expectations.
Another thing that adds to my stress is my personal life. I have relationships to maintain, bills to pay, and just the everyday pressures of adulting. It's like there's never enough time or money to go around, and it's wearing me down.
I know I should probably take better care of myself, like getting enough sleep and exercise, but it's hard to find the time and motivation when I'm already so drained. I just wish I could find some relief from all this mental clutter and pressure.