

2021-05-04 来源:尚车旅游网

  Hello, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Mt. Emei, a tourist attraction. Thefamous Jinding of Mt. Emei has four wonders: sunrise, sea of clouds, Buddha'slight and holy light.

  Sunrise at five or six o'clock in the morning, standing on the cliff (cliffcliff, cliff below is the abyss, if people fall will fall to pieces.) Looking tothe East, I saw a vein of gold inlaid on the horizon. The gray clouds floatedslowly, and Phnom Penh reflected the thick burning clouds around. Slowly, thegray clouds split a crack, and there was an orange light in the crack. The crackbecame bigger and bigger, and the color gradually changed to orange with thesurrounding clouds. A moment later, the red sun showed a little arc of PhnomPenh, and the arc became bigger and bigger, and the clouds also made way for it.When the orange sun rose slowly, the red sun showed a little arc of Phnom PenhMost of the head, the speed suddenly increased, like a full gas ball, in amoment, jump out of the horizon, firmly embedded in the horizon, suddenly shine,people's faces were coated with a layer of wine blush, Jinding also put on agold colored clothes. At this time, you will forget the chilly morning fog onthe top of the mountain, and keep jumping and cheering for a long time.

  "Holy light" is really a clear night. In the forest of sacrificing oneselfto rock, suddenly there are two stars, one thousand and ten thousand, floatingand surging, high and low, as if the stars of the Milky way are falling into thevalley, "sometimes dancing, stars, sometimes gathering, net and net, dazzlingand exciting." This kind of phenomenon, since ancient times, is called "tenthousand bright lights to the sages." The phenomenon of "holy light" is verypeculiar. Some people say it's caused by phosphorous fire, some say it's causedby fireflies, and some say it's caused by the light emitted when the humiditycontent in the air is more than half percent. The concept of "holy light" has along history, and the ancients left behind many chants. You can find them.

  "Sea of clouds" and "light of Buddha", if you are on the scene, it is alsofun and beautiful. The unique beauty of Mt. Emei can't be seen all the time.It's waiting for you to visit. You are always welcome to Mt. Emei.
