专利名称:MAGNETIC TRANSDUCER发明人:ORTON, Gregory, A.申请号:EP88909652.0申请日:19881017公开号:EP0339072A1公开日:19891102
摘要:A magnetic transducer of the erasing type, in which the coil (22) is pre-wound toachieve greater manufacturing economy; and in which for the same reason, and also forelectromagnetic operating effciency, the core (21) is laminated with each lamination beingof one-piece fabrication. However, the single transducing gap (27) in the core (21) is toosmall to permit threading the coil (22) thereon. Therefore, the core is formed of flexiblematerial so that the gap can be enlarged to accept the coil during assembly.
Alternatively, the core can be fabricated initially with an enlarged gap, and the flexiblecore is then bent to provide a desired gap length after the coil is assembled thereon. Avariational form of the invention has two erase gaps and one record-play gap with aseperate coil therefor.
地址:401 Broadway M.S. 3-35 Redwood City California 94063-3199 US
代理机构:Horton, Andrew Robert Grant, et al