专利名称:Location-based services in a femtocell
发明人:Kurt Donald Huber,William Gordon
Mansfield,Judson John Flynn
摘要:System(s) and method(s) are provided to route traffic and signaling between aset of networked femto access points (APs) and enable location-based services. A femto
AP in the set of femto APs is functionally linked to a routing platform that managestraffic and signaling, and is functionally connected to a controller component that relaysdata and control to a femto network platform. Routing platform can exchange signalingwith one or more femto APs to enable, at least in part, location-based services based atleast in part on identifier(s) for a femto AP, access privileges, or time-of-flight
measurements that assess propagation timing between a mobile device and a femto AP.Routing platform can supply timing configuration to enable predetermined spatialresolution of location estimates. Location estimates can be recorded and conveyed to aconsumer layer.
申请人:Kurt Donald Huber,William Gordon Mansfield,Judson John Flynn
地址:Coral Springs FL US,Sugar Hill GA US,Decatur GA US
代理机构:Turocy & Watson, LLP